woody paul

All posts tagged woody paul

Melvin the Magical Mixed Media Machine (or just Melvin the Machine) can be described as a Rube Goldberg machine with a twist. Besides doing what Rube Goldberg’s do best – performing a simple task as inefficiently as possible, often in the form of a chain reaction – Melvin has an identity. Actually, the only purpose of this machine is promoting its own identity.

Melvin takes pictures and makes video’s of his audience which he instantly uploads to his website, facebook and twitter account. Besides that he makes his own merchandise. All of this within 4 minutes of craziness which you just have to witness yourself.


Concept & art direction: HEYHEYHEY | Designteam De Ploeg: HEYHEYHEY, Frank Winnubst, Bas van Hout, Bart Bekker, Jeroen Hezemans, Wouter Corvers, Bram de Vries, Dick Lafeber | Directed & produced by: HEYHEYHEY | Steadicam operator: Joost van Poppel | Focuspuller: Adriaan van de Polder | Boom operator: Andre Philips | Sound mixed by: Bram Meindersma | Editing by: Sander van der Aa | Music: Woody & Paul | Sponsors: MU, The Cre8ion.Lab, De Ploeg, Municipality of Eindhoven.